Ashfaq Tahir | My CFO Portal My CFO Portal | Accounting and Bookkeeping Fri, 27 Dec 2019 07:20:30 +0000 en hourly 1 Ashfaq Tahir | My CFO Portal 32 32 Back of the Envelope Calculation for Long Term Investment Sat, 16 Feb 2019 21:12:18 +0000 Sorry to say but some finance professionals speak an ambiguous language. If you ask them whether this project is feasible or not, they will tell you that they will have to use capital budgeting techniques. Moreover, if you ask what capital budgeting is, they will tell you it is the process used to determine whether the long term investment is worth the funding of cash through your company’s capitalization structure. Difficult to understand – right.

You might have seen entrepreneurs who make decisions on the toe. You tell them about the investment and the cash generated by it per year, the life of the project. They will quickly tell you whether it is an exciting project or not and whether they want to investigate this project further or not.

Usually, the entrepreneurs use payback period estimates to shortlist the projects. The calculation is quite easy, and it does not require worksheets, financial calculators or anything like that. That’s why we say it back of the envelope calculation. So let us use an example. Somebody has contacted you that there is a long term project that requires an investment of $100,000 and its yearly return is $20,000. The project will last for ten years.

Let us do a back of the envelope calculation. If you invest 100k and get 20k per annum, you will get your money back in 5 years. The thumb rule is that lower the payback period, the higher are chances that the investors will further investigate the project.

The payback period is the period required for the amount invested in a project to be repaid by the net cash outflow generated by the project. It may be one of the simplest ways to evaluate the risk associated with a project. It is usually expressed in years and a fraction of years. Since it is a back of the envelope calculation, the time value money is not taken into account. Shorter payback periods are preferable to more extended payback periods. Payback period is popular due to its ease of use despite the various limitations.

The entrepreneurs keep a benchmark with them for the payback period, say three years. So in case, the project payback period is less than three years, they will ask their financial team to further investigate the project by developing future cash flows and looking at the riskiness of the project. The analysis is done by creating a complex financial model and then applying complex appraisal techniques such as net present value and internal rate of returns, discounted cash flows, etc. Once their internal team develops their calculations, the entrepreneurs based on their judgment further negotiate the price and timing of investment of the project. In case the cost is lower then the return from the projects will be higher also if the investment is phased over time, the entrepreneurs are expected to get higher yields.

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Accounting Reports to Monitor a Small Business Mon, 04 Feb 2019 12:05:20 +0000 Many people ask what accounting reports they should review regularly. Generally, I believe, that you should review the following accounting reports and particular on focus areas mentioned below to keep your accounting records and operations streamlined

Accounts Receivable & Aging Report

Accounts receivable show the outstanding balance of customers. Aging of accounts receivable shows how old are these balances.

Focus on old accounts receivable. Follow up with your customers by sending emails or calling them. Keep yourself updated on your customers’ credit situation and tighten your credit terms for risky customers.

Accounts Payable and Aging

Accounts payable show the outstanding balances of suppliers. The aging of these payable shows how old are these balances.

Focus on negative balances of suppliers. Negative balances mean that either you have paid a bill twice or you have made an advance payment and the goods or services are yet to be received. Thoroughly check your records to confirm or dispel the suspicion of double payment. If you have paid in advance and not yet received the goods or services, follow up with your suppliers.

Daily Sales Report

Daily sales report tells you how many units of goods or services you have sold on a day and how much revenue you have earned on that day.

Focus on the unit price of the goods and services that are sold. Check unusual discounts given to the customers. Compare historical day to day sales and investigate unusual variances in sales.

Budget vs Actual Operations

If you have made a monthly budget document, it should follow the format of the reports generated by your accounting system.

Focus on budgeted vs actual operations and review the actual number of units sold, sales, and unit price against the budget. Review your actual gross profit percentage and compare it with budgeted gross profit. Check your actual fixed expenses against the budgeted expenses. Investigate any unusual variance.

Bank & Credit Card Statements

Most of the payments and receipts are done through your bank account, right. Therefore, it is important to keep an eye on your bank and credit card statement. Subscribe for online statements and make a habit of checking your bank and credit card transactions on daily basis. Review any exceptional item and follow up with your bank in case you find some unusual transactions/ payment. Check with your bank even if the amount charged is small. Hackers usually charge a small amount first and if it goes through, they take out large money from the same account.

Bank Reconciliation Statements

Bank reconciliation statements are made to compare the entries appearing in your accounting system with those in your bank statement. Any difference between the two may be uncleared or un-presented checks. There may be some unrecorded expenses (such as bank charges).

Focus on uncleared and un-presented checks and record any unrecorded expenses in your books.

Cash Flow Statement

Cash flow statements provide information on cash received and paid by the business. Cash flow statements are divided into three sections that are – cash flow from operating activities, cash flow from investing activities and cash flow from financing activities. This statement tells you from where you are generating cash and where it is going.

Focus on cash flows from operating activities and investigate if sufficient cash flow is not generated to finance the investment and paying back the financing. Cash flow from operation is very important to understand and short- and long-term sustainability of the business.

Inventory Report

Inventory reports tell you the items in hand and their value on a date.

Focus on quantities that is low. These products may need to be ordered so there are sufficient quantities in hand to meet the needs of the customers

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Ways to Save Money for Medical Practice Sun, 27 Jan 2019 22:46:00 +0000 Profitability of any organization depends upon getting higher revenues and lower costs than its competitors. No matter how big or small, new or developed, manufacturing or service, you can benefit from cutting everyday costs. However today I will concentrate on medical practices and show by adopting a few simple techniques how we can save a significant amount of money, which can be used to improve your practice.

Set up an effective billing structure

Whatever practice type you have, the vast majority of physicians will bill in some form. There are several aspects to doing this effectively
  • Read your province’s schedule of benefits (fee book).
  • Make a cheat sheet of frequently used codes in your specialty. Some of your colleagues may have already done this.
  • Speak with others in your specialty. It is always good to see how others are doing and if required you can implement new techniques in your proactive.
  • The fee schedule is vague, interpretation varies by docs and ministry assessors, and there is often more than one way to bill for the same thing. Only bill for what you do but learn to choose the best way to do so.

Makes sure that you chart adequately

As a physician billing for your services, you may also need to make sure that your charting captures the information needed to prove that you provided the services that you get paid for.
Common Mistakes:
  • Not recording the referring physician for a consultation and giving them a written opinion.
  • Start and stop times for time unit based fees.
  • Procedure notes for common simple billable procedures.
  • Not mentioning that you were called in for after-hours care (there may be a drive-in premium)
  • Using the same diagnosis for different consults on a patient that address different issues. The same diagnosis may cause your code to be downgraded to a follow-up for the original problem.

A Good Accountant Is Like A best friend

A high-quality accountant will discuss the best options for you. This could be of some help with questions about payroll and your business plan. It also means helping you to tax-plan for your specific situation. Rather than just telling you to incorporate, they should discuss whether it is best for you. They can also save you from the predictable constant in life besides death – taxes.


Make sure you have business insurance. I understand there is CMPA for malpractice however in order to do business it is good to have the insurance.

  • Disability Insurance.
  • Office/Clinic Insurance

Some other useful Techniques

  • Leverage Technology
  • Compare cost
  • Sharing or renting out extra office space
  • Cutting back on supplies
  • Letting patients schedule their own appointments online
  • Being aware of internal control.
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Ways to Reduce Cost in Manufacturing Mon, 21 Jan 2019 14:58:16 +0000 In today world, where manufacturing companies are looking to improve their bottom line, it is a must that they manufacture their products in an efficient and cost-effective manner. The point to focus here is that no matter how good your product may be if you can’t manufacture it cheaper than your competition, your business will most likely suffer.

Based on my experience there are following four main areas where we can save money:


  1. Material

In any manufacturing environment, material costs dominate the overall product cost. To reduce this cost, focus on the ways to purchase materials for less money and find ways to consume less material in manufacturing. Using an effective Material Resource Planning (MRP) system to purchase materials can help in reducing cost. Provide written processes, training, guidance and proper tooling to reduce the amount of material scrapped during production. Deploy lean manufacturing initiatives such as Six Sigma to evaluate opportunities for savings.

  1. Labour

After the cost of material, labour cost is the biggest cost for most of the manufacturing plants. This means, controlling the labour costs will boost your profits. Logically, there are two ways to reduce labour cost:


  1. Reduction in the amount paid to factory workers;
  2. Increase the efficiency of the workers.


Find out ways how can you achieve these objectives of reduction in payments and increasing the efficiency of the workers.

Such as one of the ways to decrease labour costs is to improve the efficiency of experienced labour. Check your process thoroughly and find out redundant or the processes that can be performed by one worker. Eliminate those processes. Reduce the time required to produce an average unit by providing specialized training that allows employees to work at a faster pace. Offer incentives to the employees who can introduce labor-saving techniques into your production facility.


  1. Overheads

Overheads are the expenses associated with the running of a manufacturing plant, some of the examples of overhead are utilities, supplies, travel and entertainment, and other administrative costs. In order to control the overheads, the first thing to do is after talking to different department heads, set-up budget for each department and monitor it on a weekly/monthly basis. Make sure to use an effective ERP system that is capable of carrying out of a variance analysis such as actual vs budgeted. Utilities can be reduced by having a smart thermostat which can be controlled from a smart device. Another way is using smart lighting, solar water heater and using efficient equipment can reduce your utility expenses. Travel expense can be reduced by telecommuting and supplies cost can be reduced by using less paper. By paying the invoice on time can reduce interest by quite a lot.

  1. Capital Investment

At some stage, the manufacturing facility needs to spend money to save money. Investing in equipment which is more efficient and reliable can reduce the cost of production in long run. Similarly, machinery that uses less material can also lower costs. However, before investing make sure to do a cost versus benefit analysis and look at NPV and IRR.

My CFO Portal (  can provide accounting, bookkeeping, Tax and CFO services to small and medium size business at a very reasonable cost. We have developed a very efficient system which can deliver service to anywhere is Ontario.

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HOW TO TRANSFORM YOUR IDEA INTO A BUSINESS Tue, 15 Jan 2019 22:20:38 +0000 Many times, you have a unique idea that you think can be the next breakthrough in your industry, but you don’t know how to go about it. A few months down the road, you see somebody else doing business using your idea.

All people are thinking and generating these ideas but there are only a few who take up the challenge of transforming their idea into a business. Did you ever think why is that? My analysis is that when it comes to the nitty-gritty, most of the people find it difficult to fully conceive the cycle of project development.  And even if they know the fine details, they are overwhelmed by the amount of work and tasks to be performed.

So next time, whenever you have an idea, write it down and try to get the answers to the following questions:

  1. Is the idea technically feasible;
  2. Is there a market of the idea we are floating;
  3. The idea is financially feasible.

Once you are satisfied that the idea met the above criteria, the next phase is to weave the infrastructure around your idea. The first phase of the transformation will need the following:

  1. Product / Service development
  2. Corporate structure
  3. Office/admin infrastructure

Your top priority is to develop the product or service and test it in the market. You will only get the competitive advantage if you develop the product /service efficiently in a cost relatively lower than the market cost.

Once you are pretty sure that you have a competitive edge, the next step is to set up a corporate and administrative infrastructure. The corporate and admin infrastructure depend largely on the type of product /service, however, as an entrepreneur, your goal should be to keep these costs at a minimum level, at least in the first phase. There are many ideas you can use to keep your costs minimum such as:

  1. Many entrepreneurs use their basements as their first office; you may use shared space in the earlier period to reduce the costs
  2. Rather than hiring full-time staff and paying salaries, you may outsource many functions such as marketing, accounting, IT services such as emails, websites, etc.

If you are confident that the products/services are stable and can be offered to public at large. It is time to move to the next phase that is a full-scale phase. Estimate the market price of the product/service and cost of making that product or delivering that service. The difference between the price and variable cost is your estimated contribution margin (A). For instance, if your sale price is $100 and your variable cost is $65, the contribution margin will be $35 ($100 – $65)

Once you estimate the contribution margin, do the following calculation:


  1. Decide how much profit you would like to make (B). Let’s assume you want to make a profit of $50,000
  2. Estimate total fixed cost (C). Assume your fixed cost is $16,500
  3. Add your profit and fixed cost (D = B + C). So in this example, your profit and fixed costs will be $66,500
  4. Divide profit and fixed cost by contribution margin (D / A ). Dividing $66,500/$35 gives 1,900. So 1,900 is the number of products/services that you should sell to achieve a profit of $50,000

The calculations are easy but the real catch is in the implementation of the project. Wish you best of luck for the transformation of your ideas into business.


My CFO Portal provides accounting, bookkeeping, tax, and CFO services to small and medium-size business at a very reasonable cost. We have highly qualified staff members with the experience in a verity of industries.  We have developed very efficient system which can deliver service anywhere in Ontario.

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Accounting and Bookkeeping Errors Mon, 14 Jan 2019 13:40:48 +0000 To err is the human and that’s why the auditing profession exists. You cannot eliminate errors but you can materially reduce them.

For any size of business, the prime goal is to ensure that your business grows and thrives to ultimate heights in order to achieve this accounting and bookkeeping play a pivotal role. And one needs to make sure to avoid following common mistakes.

Handling All Accounting Work By Yourself

Most business owners have a do it yourself (DIY) attitude, which means that they do every little thing pertaining to business by themselves. It is good to reduce overhead cost, but you have to understand although in bringing it can be done however as your business grows if you don’t spend valuable time and it is not done properly, your business will be a source of many headaches.

Solution: Plan for a professional accountant in advance, so that you can get your auditing work done fast and thoroughly.

Record Expenses and Income on Time in Books

When you make purchases and pay using credit cards or cash, it is highly likely that you will forget to update that information. Such an action will cause a mismatch between the numbers in your books and those in the bank statement.

Solution: To avoid making errors, make sure to either note down the purchases in a notebook or get an accounting app that eradicates all the paperwork by just taking a snap of the receipts.

Using Proper Software

Proper accounting software is one that meets business needs and reduces the workload for your employees.

Solution: Make sure to invest in the best software available that will give you high accuracy in record making. Ensure that staff is able to use it too and if they are not, offer the necessary training.

Not Organizing Information Properly

Disorganized work is very displeasing and annoying, both for the business owner and your accountant. Failing to have proper categories in your account books makes referencing exhausting and recording difficult.

Solution: Have your work neatly organized to make tasks such as referencing and recording effortless and to give an easy time to your accountant while bookkeeping.

Difference Between Accounts and Bank Statement

When your books don’t match with your bank statement.  When this happens you can be sure that trouble may arise soon. Constantly failing to update information will eventually lead you astray because of the confusion it will bring as you try to fill in numbers to make them balance.

Solution: Always make sure that what has been tallied on your books is similar to what is in the bank statement, as it will give you confidence that everything is perfect.


My CFO Portal can provide accounting, bookkeeping, Tax, and CFO services to small and medium-size business at a very reasonable cost. We have highly qualified staff members with experience in a verity of industries.  We have developed a very efficient system which can deliver service to anywhere in Ontario.

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BENEFITS OF OUTSOURCING Fri, 11 Jan 2019 12:46:28 +0000  


Fidel Castro once said, “I began revolution with 82 men. If I had to do it again, I do it with 10 or 15 and absolute faith. It does not matter how small you are if you have faith and plan of action.”


I think this statement fits into our current business environment. The sustainability of any business is dependent upon focusing on your customers’ needs and ensure that the contribution margin (sales price minus variable cost) of the product is maximized. And to keep your fixed costs minimum.


Artificial intelligence and technological advancements have increased the complexity of businesses. As a business, you need to continuously analyze the data to make sure that your product meets or exceeds the customers’ expectations and their needs. This effectively means that small to medium-size businesses should pay attention to their core operations without worrying too much on what is happening in the back office. For the back office, you should have “Faith” and “Plan of Action”.


For instance, accounting and bookkeeping services is a back-office job and can be outsourced to others. But before doing that, you may need to make sure that the service provider is reliable (professionally competent) and they give you a plan of action (process and reporting). If you are somehow able to manage these aspects of the service provider, you may get a competitive advantage over your competition.


I have listed down some of the advantages of outsourcing accounting and bookkeeping function to the firms providing accounting bookkeeping services.


  1. You can pay attention to what you do best

By outsourcing accounting and bookkeeping services from the mentioned firms, you will have more time to focus on the other aspects of your business such as ways to increase the efficiency and growth of the business.


  1. Reduce cost

By outsourcing, you can reduce cost by 30% to 60%


  1. Quality of service

Hiring qualified professionals who understand all the accounting and laws and rules reduce the chances of making error thus improving your business image. And provide you with accurate information to make informed decisions.


  1. Reduces the risk from the situation in which employees suddenly leave

Businesses might experience a situation in which most of their employees or staff suddenly leave. This can be catastrophic for small businesses as a backup staff is needed in such incidents and this can be costly. Outsourcing your accounting or bookkeeping services enables you to a qualified and professional team which provides an effective backup to your business. Rest assured, you can expect that the team will make sure that the quality of the work will be the same or even better.


  1. A more disciplined and unbiased view

Accounting and finance department plays a key role in making unbiased (free form office politics) and accurate information can be very useful for small to medium size business.


  1. Gain an edge over other businesses in the competitive market

Outsourcing firms have many years of experience working with different businesses. These firms have a professional and experienced staff that will make sure that you get the best hands-on experience. Outsourcing your accounting and bookkeeping services to these firms can provide you with these benefits that can provide your business an edge in the competitive market.


  1. Easily add or cut back on resources

Businesses usually have operating cycles affect accounting and bookkeeping workloads. During those specific times, adding more resources to the team is difficult to manage. Outsourcing such services allow you to easily cut back or increase the staff working for you, depending on what time of the business year it is. It enables you to enjoy the flexibility that is otherwise pretty hard to achieve.




My CFO Portal ( can provide accounting, bookkeeping, Tax and CFO services to small and medium-size businesses at a very reasonable cost. We have highly qualified staff members with experience in a verity of industries.  We are based in Mississauga and have developed a very efficient system which can deliver service to anywhere in Ontario.

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Year End Closing – Accounting – Checklist Thu, 27 Dec 2018 20:06:13 +0000 YEAR END CLOSING


A couple of weeks before 31st December is a very busy time for both entrepreneurs and accountants. Christmas, holidays, boxing day, new year and snow – all these are events that add up to a load of closing the books of accounts.

When we meet our clients in the month of December, they want to know how their business performed for the year. Most of the time they don’t get a straight forward answer, mostly because their books are not complete.

In order to complete the books and provide answers to our client as soon as possible after the end of the year, we have created a checklist that will make your year end closing super easy. Copy and fill this checklist and it will take care of the material aspects of the year end closing. There may be other items that you may consider important. Kindly add or delete anything based on your preferences.

This checklist is for a company that is based on selling products, dealing in multicurrency (US$ and CAD), keeping inventory of goods and using some cloud-based accounting portal such as Quickbooks online or Xero accounting.

Please contact us at should you wish to engage us for accounting services in Mississauga. We provide accounting services and sources CFOs to your businesses.




Date Completed
Count cash in hand as of 31 December and compare it with cash in hand appearing in the trail balance.


Get the bank statements (in case your online books are not directly connected with bank account) and reconcile all the entries



Date Completed
Print a list of all the invoices issued during the year:

·         Compare it with the copy of invoice – check dates, products, prices, customer name, currency, invoice calculation (I am assuming that you print/store and keep a copy of invoices issued with you)

·         Correct all errors in the books. If you find a mistake in the invoice send the corrected invoice to the customers.


Print an aging analysis of Accounts receivable:


·         Review the accounts receivable and note any un expected names and amounts

·         Review of the accounts receivable and find out the balances more than 30 days

·         Send follow up letters / call customers with overdue balances





Date Completed
Print account receivable aging list and review all the balances that are aged and are overdue. Note any exceptional names and amounts that you feel have been or should have been paid.
Print a purchase by products detail and review it with suppliers’ bills. Note down any differences in products quantity and prices. Correct any errors in the books



Date Completed
Print a detail of fixed assets and additions during the year and calculate depreciation
Prepare a list of outstanding bank liabilities as of 31 December 2018 and get confirmation from banks.




Date Completed
Print copies of HST/GST returns filed during the year and compare them with the balance appearing the books



Date Completed
Revalue bank balances and receivable balances in foreign currency as of 31 December 2018. Most online books portal provide this facility




Date Completed
Enter all the accruals of the expenses – December 2018 salaries, utilities, communication, etc.
Review your expenses Chart of Account and make sure it is in accordance with CRA’s GIFI


Keep copies of all the work in a separate file. It will make your live and lives of your accountants, auditors and tax consultants easy. ????

This checklist is for a sample company based in Canada. This is not an accounting or financial advice and provided to you for information purposes only. Every business is unique and there may be other focus areas based on your business or preferences. We will accept no liability arising out of your using this list for your business.

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